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Today’s Fight Against Depression And Anxiety

Depression today has gained much more public view and recognition. If you think you might be suffering from depression or anxiety, there is a lot of practical help available to you, and there is no need to feel great fear or shame about this condition.

Depression and anxiety is commonplace amongst the general population, and it is estimated that approximately one million Australian adults will suffer from depression throughout the course of a year. Even more are considered to suffer from anxiety, with estimates of over two million Australian adults suffering annually.

While depression and anxiety are two different conditions, it is common for them to occur at the same time. Over half of those who experience depression will also experience symptoms of anxiety.

If you or anyone you know is showing symptoms such as feelings of helplessness, loss of interest in daily activities or anger or irritability, then there is a chance that this is related to depression.

Depression does not need to be a burden for you to carry in silence. It is a good idea for you to talk to someone that you are comfortable with, be that a close friend or family, or a counsellor or someone in the medical field.

Doctors assisting patients with depression and anxiety issues will need to show patience as well as exercising knowledge and judgment.

Resources available for doctors can include clinical practice guidelines, perinatal mental health issues, and suggestions for working with younger people as well as those advanced in age.

Treatment options may include a combination of medicines, talking therapies and self-help advice for the patient.

The folks at Beyond Blue operate a support service for those in need and are available for assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on telephone number 1 300 22 46 36, or online Chat daily between 3pm to 12am at

Your local doctor is also someone that may be able to help you. A good resource to find someone nearby is the site

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