
The Courtyard Family Medical Centre

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The Courtyard Family Medical Centre is a GP Clinc located in The Courtyard / 2060 Moggill Road Kenmore.
General Practitioner (GP)

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Arabic | English | Farsi | Persian


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  1. Claire Jarvis
    Time to get an Appointment (Long > Quick)

    Listening Skills (Poor > Excellent)

    Treatment Explanation (Poor > Excellent)

    Likelihood to recommend (Very Unlikely > Very likely)

    Dr Shiva Ramasamy is a real and rare gem. He is punctual, friendly, approachable, diligent and extremely humble. I have finally found a doctor who really cares and is incredibly supportive. We are going through a tough time atm with my son having been diagnosed with a rare and potentially serious condition and this diagnosis is often unnecessarily delayed. It is largely attributable to Dr Shiva that we now have a diagnosis. I must be quite annoying by now, speaking to him or the lovely Toni most days, but they never make me feel this way. Toni is so kind and considerate and patient and down to earth. I am so grateful to Dr Shiva, Toni and all the team at Courtyard Medical Centre.

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