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Dentist near me

Are you searching for “dentist near me” or “Book a dentist appointment near me”? Look no further, you can search hundreds of dentists using doctors.com.au, and you can even book a dentist appointment online too. Search for a dentist that is near you, and book an appointment online.

Book a dentist appointment near me

You can view all dental clinics that you can book an appointment with online, just select based on the location that is most suited to you.

What do dentists do?

Find a dentist near me
Find a dentist near me with doctors.com.au. It’s easy and secure to find a dentist and book one online.

Dentists diagnose and treat problems with patients’ teeth, gums, and related parts of the mouth. They provide advice and instruction on taking care of the teeth and gums and on diet choices that affect oral health.

Dentists can specialise in different areas including general dentistry, oral surgery, periodontics, maxillofacial surgery, sedation dentistry or special care dentistry. Dentists use x-rays to detect and plan treatment. Primarily dentists aim to prevent oral disorders by providing preventative treatments such as scaling, cleaning and fluoride therapy. They also practice preventative dentistry through the treatment of diseases of the roots, gums and soft tissue of the mouth.

When preventative treatments fail or a person suffers an oral trauma, dentists are responsible for repairing teeth. When teeth are damaged through decay or trauma a dentist may be required to rebuild the tooth structures. This process may require the provision of crowns and bridges for either functional or aesthetic reasons. As well as repairing teeth, dentists may need to extract teeth that do not respond to treatment. When more than a few teeth need to be extracted the dentist can design and have made replacement dentures that are both aesthetic and functional.

Reasons to see a dentist

The most obvious reason to visit a dentist is for your routine check up, or to fix a problem with your teeth. But, did you know you can also see a dentist for a range of other reasons which can include;

  • Teeth whitening
  • Mouthguards
  • Veneers
  • Implants
  • Invisalign
  • Gum care
  • Preventative education
  • Emergency Care for dental or mouth problems bothering you

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it’s easier and more secure to find the best dentist for you using doctors.com.au search, or book an appointment based on your closest location – book a dentist appointment near me.

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*Costs shown for dental services have been provided by practitioners so you can make an informed decision of costs before you visit. Before you visit a practitioner please confirm costs of service to ensure that they are correct and have not changed.

NO GAP : If you have private health insurance it’s likely that the check-up would be ‘no-gap’ meaning that you pay not out of pocket expenses for your appointment. As each fund varies please contact your private health provider to confirm.

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